TXT_Var46125="The value cannot be null. Please verify your input." TXT_Var46126="Only alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, @ and dot characters are allowed. Please verify your input." TXT_Var46127="One @ symbol should be entered for Email Ids. Please verify the value you have entered." TXT_Var46128="Only one @ symbol is allowed. Please verify your input." TXT_Var46129="The value of email id seems to be wrong. Please verify your input." TXT_Var46130="The value of email id seems to be wrong. Please verify your input." TXT_Var46131="Only alphabets,space and dot can be entered. Please verify the value you have entered" TXT_Var46132="Special characters should be preceded and succeeded by alphabets. Please verify the value you have entered." TXT_Var46133="This button is disabled in display preview."